Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12 Days of Christmas

First Day, One Messy Bedroom:

Chris and I were laying on the couch and decided to let him 'play' independently for a few minutes. This was the disaster we walked into!

Second Day, Crayons for Dinner:

Sometimes he writes on paper, sometimes he still tries to eat them. I don't think we are quite ready for art projects yet.

Third Day, 'A Puppy!'

Other than "mama", "mommy" and "baby", Colin's most commonly used word is "a puppy". He has also become very fond of his stuffed animals. He will carry as many as his little arms (and legs!) can hold! This puppy was from my Grandma and has quickly become one of his favorites!

Fourth Day, A Big Boy Potty!

We have placed a potty in each bathroom in the house in hopes that Colin will miraculously understand what it is for. This is a work in progress...

Fifth Day, My First Present of the Year!

I was shocked to see that he actually knew what to do. Well, other than sitting on the box. I didn't grab my camera in time but he actually made a good amount of progress on his own. 

This was a package from the Seamon family- Thank You! Inside was a book, 'If You Take a Mouse to the Movies', and the stuffed Mouse to go with it! The Mouse has also become one of Colin's favs and he sleeps with him every night!

Okay, so it was only 5 days not 12 but I'm sure I will have more to add soon! Enjoy your last few days of shopping, wrapping, and baking - isn't it the most wonderful time of the year?

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