Monday, June 11, 2012

Our LAST Weekend

It was a BIG weekend for the Glasgow family. Wednesday will mark my first day back-to-work after a twelve-week leave - and it was SO good while it lasted! This weekend was our last 'hoorah' before I return to full-time working Momma status. And wouldn't you know it, I got sick just as the weekend was about to begin. Good thing I had requested a lot of relaxation because that's about all that my body could handle!

We kicked off the weekend by hanging our first DIY birdhouse! Inspired by one that we saw at a Garden Show and made from a used milk carton:

Of course, ours didn't turn out quite as pretty but it was a fun activity nonetheless. I had to hold back my inner Martha a few times and remind myself that this was for Colin, he's just three, and who cares that he just ran his brush through your carefully painted flower bed?!! I just took a little black paint and made that smudge into a bumble bee- problem solved.

Hanging the birdhouse was another adventure. The tree branches in the backyard are a lot higher off the ground than they appear from the kitchen windows. Chris attempted to throw the ball of yarn over a branch a few times to no avail and finally tied the only other thing he had on hand- a pair of scissors - to one side of the string of yarn and threw it over the branch. Don't worry, the kiddos and I watched the accident-waiting-to-happen from afar. No one lost an eye and we now have a birdhouse hanging from the branches in our backyard. Hopefully a little bird family will call it 'home' soon!

Saturday morning, we woke up, jumped in the car and headed down to Lexington for the Farmer's Market. I brought along my camera to take a few snapshots but it was extremely crowded this Saturday thanks to the beautiful weather and I didn't want to be THAT girl that was holding up the lines as I was adjusting my ISO. So, no pictures. But we did end up with some very tasty blueberries, amazingly good tomatoes and, a new favorite, napa cabbage, among a few other treats. And Chris and I shared a stone-oven margherita pizza, which is in of-itself worth the trip! The Lexington Market never disappoints!

For the rest of the weekend, we spent some time at the pool (me with my box of tissues in tow!) and tried out a few recipes, like this panzanella. Except for the horrible congestion, sore throat, and runny nose, it was the perfect ending to my SAHM experience.

Good bye dear yoga pants, hello high heels!

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