Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell- ROCK!

This year, Colin developed a love for the Christmas classic, Jingle Bell Rock. We listened to a station that played Christmas music continuously starting right after Thanksgiving so every time it would come on in the car he would he 'Momma, make it louder' and sing it at the top of his lungs! He almost knew all the words. Very funny!

For Christmas, we traveled into Fort Wayne to spend the holiday with Chris' family. There were quite a few celebrations with lots of food, lots of gifts, and lots of kids! Colin had a blast with all of the little playmates! On Christmas Eve, we attended mass at Grammy and Grampy's church. They don't have childcare like we are used to at our church so Colin sat between us during service. He was actually very well behaved and sat and looked through books during service. At one point, the pastor asked the children to come forward for the children's message, and, to our surprise, Colin went up all on his own and sat down with the rest of the kids. At one point, we saw him searching for us between the kids and when he caught a glimpse of us, flashed us the cheesiest grin! It was hysterical! I wish at that point I had my camera with me to capture it. 

The next morning, he was treated to this:

Santa brought some great new stuff- like a teepee, a new backpack that's just his size, and a personalized book of Colin's first Disney trip! And he left a gift under the tree for all of us- a brand new board game to play together:

For the rest of the day, we went to Aunt Shell and Uncle Marc's for a quiet celebration and a few more gifts with Colin's favorite cousins:

We were blown away by the amount of gifts this little man got this year! In fact, some of them didn't even fit in the car on the way home. I have no idea what we are going to do when we have two kids. Looks like a roof-top carrier will be in our future!

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